Friday, November 6, 2009

It found us...

Apparently T1 has H1N1. G is off to the Dr now - pretty sure he has it too. T2 and I are fine so far. I am nervous because T1 has a history of lung problems and G and I both have asthma (T1 does too). Mine is only triggered by illness but when it does - boy is it ever bad : (

Hoping we can all get through this relatively unscathed.

*update* G called - he does have it too


eidolons said...

We all had it a month or two ago. I have asthma (and am pregnant) and it didn't kick my butt for more than a week. Best of luck!

A said...

Hoping it won't be too bad : )

{sue} said...

Oh dear! Stay healthy. Use antibacterial stuff, like every 30 seconds. And a mask maybe.

Hoping it passes quickly.

Lynn said...

I hope you all feel better soon! Just this past weekend we had to do a middle of the night run to the ER for our 2 year old, who seems to have asthma in connection with colds/flu as well. They don't seem to be testing for H1N1 here... just gave us tamiflu (and asthma meds). Then his regular pediatrician wouldn't test, because he'd already gotten the tamiflu, so there was no point.

A said...

It's day 3 for G and T1, if it stays like this then it's not too bad, just concerned about secondary infections.

What can you do right? Lots of hand washing going on around here!!

Michelle said...

Hoping you all make it through okay with no serious issues.

huana said...


zobars said...

wearing a mask was our best defense mechanism. We washed sheets and pillowcases everyday in hot water and disinfected all the surfaces every 3 hours or so. Also it helps if you can keep the sick person/child confined to one room. this just from someone who just went thru the flu.