It seems the year is flying past and blogging has fallen to the back burner once again. My mind has been consumed with T1 and whether we should homeschool him. I have been researching, devouring home school books, forum lurking, discussing the pros and cons with G and my Mum and pretty much anyone willing to keep an open mind and listen to me puzzling it over. Today when we found a spare moment when neither of us was working, sleeping, showering or in close proximity to T1 or T2 - we had a conversation - a real conversation, OK it barely qualified as a conversation because it lasted only a couple of minutes but we decided that T1 will not be returning to school for Grade 5 in September. I feel I can finally relax for this small pocket of time between making the decision and actually taking on the challenge. I keep reminding myself that I have been homeschooling him since birth - all parents do. We teach, we practice, we try new things and expose our children to new experiences providing learning opportunities without even realizing. His education has never began and ended with a school bell - this change just means having more time to learn together.
We haven't decided whether T2 will return to school but I am leaning towards keeping her home too but we shall see.
Maybe now I know which path we are taking with T1, I'll be able to enjoy some more playtime online : )